
1. The Pakistan military: searching for state and society.In Seminar, The Monthly Symposium from India. Issue on Pakistan titled ‘Decoding Pakistan’ #664, December 2014  

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2. Tea Leaves for Tanks. A Study of Trade Links, Peace and Perceptions in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Iran. Paper for Centre for International and Strategic Analysis, Oslo. Report No. 28, December 2014.

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3. The New Frontiers: Militancy and Radicalism in Punjab. Paper for Centre for International and Strategic Analysis, Oslo. Report No. 2, 2013.

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4. Discovering Democracy.In Economic and Political Weekly,  48, Issue No. 17, 27 Apr, 2013 –  

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5. Pakistan’s Modernity: Between the Military and Militancy.In the Economic and Political Weekly,  46, Issue No. 51, 17 Dec, 2011Special Articles –

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6. Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Strategy: Separating Friends from Enemies.In ‘The Washington Quarterly, Vol 34, No. 1, Winter 2011.

7. TWQ: Pakistan’s Counterterrorism Strategy: Separating Friends from Enemies.In The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2011.

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8. Red Hot Chilli Peppers Islam – Drivers of Radicalism Amongst Muslim Elite.Paper published by the Heinrich Boll Stiftung, 2010.

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9. Jihadism in Pakistan: The Expanding Frontier.In the Journal of Internationl Affairs, (Columbia University Press, Fall/Winter 2009, Vol 43, No. 1). Pp. 57-72

10. Pakistan – Between Military and Militants.In World Today,the journal of the Royal Institute of International Affairs in April 2007.

11. Pakistan-Iran-Afghanistan Relations: Looking Beyond the Troubled Triangle.Middle East Program Occasional Paper series, Spring 2005 (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars).

12. Pakistan Army to reduce numbers.In Jane’s Defence Weekly, May 05, 2004.

13. Pakistan’s Security: Problems of Linearity.In South Asian Journal, January–March, 2004.

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14. US offers non-Nato Ally status to Pakistan.In Jane’s Defence Weekly, March 24, 2004.

15. Is Missile Non-Proliferation a Possibility in South Asia?Paper published in the South Asian Survey, 11/2, July-December 2004.

16. Political Economy of National Security.In the Economic and Political Weekly, November 2-9, 2002

17. Can Pakistan Turn Around?In the Journal of Asian Affairs, ISSN1607-0631, June 2002. The article looks at the possibility of reduction in religious extremism in Pakistan and the role of the state in achieving the objective.

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18. Political Economy of National Security. In The Economic and Political Weekly37, No. 44/45 (Nov. 2-15, 2002), pp. 4545-4549

19. Pakistan’s Defence Industry: Shifting Gears.In RUSI Journal, October 2001.

20. Governance in Plural Societies and Security: An Overview.RCSS Policy Paper 19, May 2001.

21. Defense Expenditure in South Asia: India and Pakistan.RCSS Policy Studies Paper 12, (2000)

22. Pakistan’s Military Rule.In the journal of the European Institute of Asian Studies, May 2000

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23. South Asia: Nuclear Navies? – September 01, 2000

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24. Development of Indigenous Weapons Production in Pakistan: Impact on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises. KAF working paper series. (Lahore University of Management Sciences, 2000).

25. Pakistan’s Defense Industry: An Effort Towards Self-Reliance?In the Journal of Defense and Peace Economics, University of York, Vol. 10, 1999.

26. Curbing the Weapons of Civilian Destruction in South Asia.Joint paper published by the International Center for Peace Initiatives, Mumbai, India, 1999. This paper aimed at drawing attention of the policy community, in particular parliamentarians, in South Asia to the issue. The project is planned in tune with the role of ICPI as a bridge between research actions and policy actions.

27. Prospects of Russia-CIS-Pakistan Security Dialogue.Paper published in Yaderny Control, a journal of the Institute of Policy Research in Russia, April 1998. The research focused on conventional arms transfers.

28. Ad hocracy and Decision-Making in Pakistan: A Case Study of Defence Production Projects and the Nuclear Programme.In the Indian Defence Review, August 1996.

29. Kashmir: The Jama’at-i-Islami Factor.In Defence Today, India September/November, 1995.

30. China-Pakistan Military Links, 1979-Present.In Defence Today, India: Vol. 3(2), July/September, 1995.

